What is
Black Swamp Bucks?
Black Swamp Bucks is a local non-profit conservation organization that dedicates its resources to the betterment of the white-tailed deer and its environment. Our purpose is to raise funds in support of educational programs, habitat conservation, and preservation of the hunting tradition for the direct benefit of the white tailed deer and other wildlife.

Goal I
Educate the general public, with emphasis on youth, on practical conservation measures.

Goal II
Promote the acquisition, restoration and management of wildlife habitat.

Goal III
Preserve the hunting tradition for future generations.
We share your passion for hunting, Whitetail deer conservation, and spending time in the outdoors.
Our mission is to promote conservation of wildlife and related outdoor activities for present and future generations. Black Swamp Bucks Annual Banquet funds are awarded to local scholarships, support No Child Left Indoors, Hancock County Young Guns, On Target Outfitters, Coon Skin Cap Brigade, school archery programs and outdoor educational seminars.
Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry is an outreach ministry of God’s people transforming a renewable God-given resource into food for the hungry. Hancock County Young Guns are a youth trap shooting team made up of students between 4th and 12th grades. Established 4-years ago in Hancock County, they compete nationally and currently hold 8 titles. They are looking for additional members and sponsors.

Board of Directors
Black Swamp Bucks Board of Directors are persons who have demonstrated support of the mission of the foundation, diverse skills in business, conservation, research, education, management, marketing, real estate, accounting, law, technology, fundraising or other fields that may be of importance, life experience that will aid the organization to establish lasting and effective relationships in the conservation arena, and a commitment to dedicate time for accomplishing Black Swamp Bucks overall accomplishments.
Click their name to learn more about an individual board member